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Forestillingsprogram for Nationaltheatrets produksjon Teatermakeren (2004) pdf March 13, 2004 Download


Histrionics was a theatre production by The National Theatre, produced in 2004 and based on the play by Thomas Bernhard.


(Objekt ID 32078)
Object type Production
Premiere March 13, 2004
Produced by The National Theatre
Based on Histrionics by Thomas Bernhard
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Tragicomedy/Seriocomedy, Theatre
Running period March 13, 2004  
Website Nationaltheatret

Histrionics byThe National Theatre won two Hedda Awards.

Gábor Zsámbéki directed it and won The Hedda Award 2004 in the best direction category.

The Hedda Jury gave the following reason:

"This year's winner is a director with long experience, a theatre person who with equal curiosity and enthusiasm has blown new life into the classics and presented new, contemporary playwrights. The winner has stated that the most important element of the theatre is the actor, and in the production honoured today the direction emphasises to put the actor in the centre of it.

The main character, yes, of course, but also the supporting cast - they all seem to be as important for the director, and thus they play a determining role for the spectator's experience of the many layers in the witty, baroque and demanding text.

The winner of the year is Hungarian Gábor Zsámbéki for his tight, but imagination-triggering version of Thomas Bernhard s Histrionics at The National Theatre."

Jan Grønli won The Hedda Award 2004 in the particularly excellent performance category for the role of Bruscon.

The Hedda Jury gave the following reason:

"The winner of the year is an actor who throughout many years has put his unmistakable mark on a number of the prominent characters of the theatre, while his personality has never overshadowed his interpretations: This year's winner always goes in the depth of his characters on the playwright's terms, and he makes them seem simply human, filled with contradiction, mystery and coherence.

In the victory interpretation the actor show the full range of his craft. It is a unique role from the hand of the playwright, and it is a unique performance by the actor too: A personal, uncompromised character, based on a highly intellectual and artistically precise understanding of the role. The winner of the year has received many awards before, but he has not been nominated for The Hedda Award prior to now. This year he gets the particularly excellent performance award for his interpretation of Bruscon in Histrionics, performed at The National Theatre during this spring.

The winner of the year is: Jan Grønli."


The National Theatre, www.nationaltheatret.no, 23.10.2012, http://fdb.nationaltheatret.no/S%C3%B8k/tabid/57/ctl/PlayView/mid/374/oppsetningId/bbfd56c4-377f-4479-8a23-47c9a89d3cba/Default.aspx

Sceneweb on The Hedda Award 2004, www.sceneweb.no, 24.10.2012, http://www.sceneweb.no/en/awarding/23869/Heddaprisen_2004-2004

Performance dates
March 13, 2004Amfiscenen, Nationaltheatret, The National Theatre Opening night