Letter without a Stamp

Letter without a Stamp (1988) was a production by Teater Dybbuk

Letter without a Stamp was a monodrama about the encounter between a Norwegian language teacher of Jewish descent and an Iranian refugee who has been tortured by the fanatical regime which has assumed power. In facing her own pain, the teacher finds that the two have more in common than she initially believed, that they can help one another overcome a profound sense of loss.


(Objekt ID 31556)
Object type Production
Premiere February 20, 1988
Produced by Teater Dybbuk - Oslo
In collaboration with The Touring Theatre of Trøndelag
Audience Adults
Number of events 40
Language Danish
Keywords Theatre, Solo
Running period February 20, 1988  

After the world wide premiere in Verdal Letter without a Stamp by Teater Dybbuk toured culture centres in the counties of Nord- and Sør-Trøndelag. Later it was performed for Concerts Norway, in the Oslo facilities as well as on tour through Eastern Norway.


Buresund, Inger and Anne-Britt Gran (1996): Frie grupper og Black Box Teater. 1970-1995 (literally: Independent companies and Black Box Teater. 1970-1995), adNotam Gyldendal, Oslo

Elsa Kvamme's private archive, donated by Elsa Kvamme. 03.11.2008

Contributors (4)
Name Role
Ellen Foyn Bruun – Concept/Idea
Bente Kahan – Concept/Idea
Ellen Foyn Bruun – Direction
Bente Kahan – Actor
Performance dates
August 4, 1988Lille scene (Vika), Black Box teater (Nordisk Forum ) Show
August 3, 1988Lille scene (Vika), Black Box teater (Nordisk Forum ) Show
February 20, 1988Nord-Trøndelag Teaterverksted Worldwide premiere
Festivals (1)
Nordisk Forum August 3, 1988