Marilyn like bak meg* (Marilyn right behind me)

Marilyn like bak meg* (Marilyn right behind me) (2002) was a production by the theatre company MollyMelon using texts by August Strindberg, Erik Fosnes Hansen, Olaf Bull and Fernando Pessoa among others.

In Marilyn like bak meg around a loosely sketched plot revolved around four young persons in two pairs, and their relations to their dreams. Marilyn Monroe was used as a metaphor.


Teater i Norge og verden - Teaternett,, 29.09.2012,

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 31254)
Object type Production
Premiere March 7, 2002
Produced by MollyMelon
Audience Adults
Number of events 4
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre
Running period March 7, 2002  —  March 10, 2002
Contributors (9)
Name Role
Gunhild Nymoen – Direction
Gunhild Nymoen – Dramaturge
Dagny Drage Kleiva – Stage design
Christian Mathisen – Lighting design
Anders Brøntveit – Actor (Anders)
Ingvild Fjeldseth Hellum – Actor (Ingvild)
Silje Holtet – Actor (Marilyn Monroe)
Henrik Høie – Actor (Henrik)
Tuva Hølmebakk – Actor (Tuva)
Performance dates
March 10, 2002 19:30 – Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
March 9, 2002 19:30 – Lille scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
March 8, 2002 19:30 – Lille scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
March 7, 2002 19:30 – Lille scene (Vika), Black Box teater Worldwide premiere