You Are Invited

You Are Invited (2011) was an internet-based production by Imploding Fictions and the company's contribution to Brisbane's Anywhere Theatre Festival in 2011.


(Objekt ID 30544)
Object type Production
Premiere May 9, 2011
Produced by Imploding Fictions
Audience Adults
Keywords Theatre, Multimedia
Running period May 9, 2011  
Duration 30 minutes
Website Imploding Fictions, Imploding Fictions Blog

You Are Invited by Imploding Fictions consisted of five parts performed in five countries across the world via Skype, and the audience had to log onto Skype via their own computers or cell phones to see the performance.

You Are Invited began with a person calling youareinvitedentry, where one was explained how the performance worked, before one was given the next Skype account to call. At the end of each part one was referred to the next Skype account. The five episodes were performed in Norway, England, Texas, Spain and United Kingdom.


E-mail from Oslo International Theatre, 30.08.2012

Performance dates
May 13, 2011  (Anywhere Theatre Festival) Show
May 11, 2011  (Anywhere Theatre Festival) Show
May 9, 2011  (Anywhere Theatre Festival) Worldwide premiere
Festivals (1)
Press coverage

Toby Martin, official Anywhere Theatre Festival review:

“You Are Invited is a clever piece and very thought provoking. It is more cerebral than it is emotional; a point of difference to most theatre. I recommend seeing You Are Invited.”