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Season program Teaterhuset Avant Garden the autumn of 2012 pdf August 2012 Download


Margarete is a production by Janek Turkowski.

At the webpage of Bastard, the international performing arts festival of Trondheim the following, among other things, is written about Margarete:

"Sitting around the artist with teacups in our hands we get to know an ordinary, but unique life.

Janek Turkowski found 64 rolls of 8mm film in a market. All the rolls showed the same woman in different Eastern European countries during the cold war. He made a production about her and his own discovery. That way, he connected himself to a woman he didn't know for ever."


(Objekt ID 30363)
Object type Production
Premiere September 8, 2012
Language English
Keywords Theatre
Website Teaterhuset Avant Garden

At the webpage of Bastard, the international performing arts festival of Trondheim the following, among other things, is written about Margarete by Janek Turkowski:

"The interest for the past is a driving force in Janek Turkowski's artistic work. As a child he watched images of his ancestors and found that to be material proof of his existence, proof life didn't start just now; the images from the past gave him a feeling of connection.

The sentimental has also been an important driving force in the construction of a story about Margarete, the woman in the images. Thus, recognition is an important effect. Through recognition we are connected to what we see.

Janek Turkowski is a dramaturge, director, curator and member of a number of festival boards in his hometown of Szczecin in Poland. In his work he is especially concerned with healing the contemporary wounds created by the sins of the past. In particular he emphasises reconciliation with the great western neighbour of Germany."


Avant Garden, avantgarden.no, 07.09.2012, http://www.avantgarden.no/program/margarete/

Contributors (16)
Name Role
Janek Turkowski – Text
Janek Turkowski – Concept/Idea
Janek Turkowski – Direction
Roger Anklam – Music
Przemek Radar Olszewski – Music
Martyna Glowacka – Stage design
Wieslawa Turkowska – Stage design
Adam Ataszynski – Video/Film
Martyna Glowacka – Video/Film
Marcin Piatkowski – Video/Film
Margarete Ruhbe – Video/Film
Janek Turkowski – Video/Film
Janek Turkowski – Sound
Janek Turkowski – Light
Weronika Piszczek – Photo
Janek Turkowski – Producer