
Poems, with the Norwegian subtitleEn tankes flukt (literally: The flight of a thought) was a dance production by Jane Hveding, produced in 1991. The produciton was performed at The Norwegian Theatre.

Jane Hveding choreographed it.

Jane Hveding was given Norwegian Critics' Award for dance 1991/1992 for Poems – en tankes flukt.


(Objekt ID 30248)
Object type Production
Premiere June 7, 1991
Produced by
Keywords Dance
Running period June 7, 1991  


E-mail from Marit Krogeide, 14.08.2012

Norwegian Critics' Associations, winner of Norwegian Critics' Award for dance, 21.07.2014, http://www.kritikerlaget.no/nor/pages/435-mottakere_av_dansekritikerprisen

Contributors (3)
Name Role
Jane Hveding – Choreography
Peter Lodwick – Composer
Jane Hveding – Dancer