Det e hær æ høre tel* (This is where I belong)

Det e hær æ høre tel* (This is where I belong) (1973) was a theatre production by The Arctic Theatre, based on a play by Klaus Hagerup. The text was developed in collaboration with the performers. Finn Ludt wrote the music. The production was performed on tour all over Norway. It was also recorded by Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division, and broadcast in all the Nordic countries.

Jan Bull directed it.

The production was seen by more than 20 000 live spectators, a record that stood until 17 years later, when it was beaten by Oluf. Det e hær æ høre tel is still regarded as a milestone in The Arctic Theatre's history.

The televised version (Norwegian only) can be watched here.

Songs from Det e hær æ høre tel and Æ e ikkje aleina* (I am not alone) were recorded and released as a record in 1975.

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 29535)
Object type Production
Premiere March 4, 1973
Produced by
Based on Det e hær æ høre tel* (This is where I belong) by Klaus Hagerup
Audience Adults
Audience size 21200
Number of events 56
Language Norwegian dialect
Keywords Theatre, Political Theatre
Running period March 4, 1973  

Among much else, Jens Harald Eilertsen writes the following about Det e hær æ høre tel* (This is where I belong) in his history book Polare scener. Nordnorsk teaterhistorie 1971-2000 (literally: Arctic stages. Northern Norwegian theatre history 1971-2000):

"Det e hær æ høre tel presents a rather simplistic drama about the little man's fight against central power. A short summary to follow:

The county parliament decides that a road will be built to Svaløysund, and the village cheers. But a long time goes by, and the old Markus Ludvigsen starts to feel sceptical. His wife, Marion, thinks that there might be another and more important road to be built beforehand, and she is right. This road is meant to go to the village Raunes. This becomes the beginning of a quarrel between people in Svaløysund and Raunes, and the question is who gains from this? Both villages need their roads. The experts arrive to register the development. The Ludvigsen family raises the village in a tax strike. In town, there is also a strike, in the firm where Hugo, son of Markus and Marion, works. An alliance between the striking workers in town and the tax strikers in Svaløysund is established.


The theatrical effects in the production were down to earth. The stage design was simple and realistic. Costumes and props were recreated from contemporary fisherman societies. Light, makeup and other theatrical effects were sparse. On the other hand, the original music by Finn Ludt had powerful effect."

Among the preparations for Det e hær æ høre tel was a three-week working residency in a roadless village in Senja. Six actors, two musicians, the director and the writer all stayed in private homes during the stay.


The Arctic Theatre,, 14.10.2016,

Eilertsen, Jens Harald: Polare scener. Nordnorsk teaterhistorie 1971-2000 (literally: Arctic stages. Northern Norwegian theatre history 1971-2000), published by Orkana forlag 2005

Contributors (18)
Name Role
Klaus Hagerup – Playwright
Jan Bull – Direction
Finn Ludt – Music
Kari Gravklev – Stage design
Kari Gravklev – Costume design
Tone Danielsen – Actor (Marion Ludvigsen)
Bernhard Ramstad – Actor (Peter Ludvigsen / Fredrik Liljevoll / Sverre Johannesen / Hugo Ludvigsen / Viktor Jakobsen / Rikard Davidsen)
Frode Rasmussen – Actor (Svein Ludvigsen / Gustav Evensen)
Sigmund Sæverud – Actor (Enok Ludvigsen / Jakob Ludvigsen)
Nils Utsi – Actor (Markus Ludvigsen)
Torill Øyen – Actor (Margot Ludvigsen / Solveig Ludvigsen)
Einar Mack – Musician (Gitar)
Einar Mack – Musician (Gitar)
Thor Melkild – Musician (Trekkspill)
Thor Melkild – Musician (Trekkspill)
Børge Kvaal – Technician
Arne Skog – Production manager
Jens Melsom – Other (Plakat og Tegninger)
Performance dates
March 4, 1973Sommerlyst skole Worldwide premiere