Granatengelen* (The Grenade Angel)

Granatengelen* (The Grenade Angel) (1991) was a production by Klomadu Theatre.

At the webpage of Kulturproduksjoner the following is written about Granatengelen:

"Written for Klomadu Theatre by Geirr Lystrup, developed in close collaboration with the director and actors. A production for everyone aged 7 years or more. Opening at Hamar 1991. 

Through imagination and playing Amina processes the adult world she meets, a world in which the parents' hurry and career focus rule, and the child has no room. Storytelling theatre in a bound form, accompanied by music."

Granatengelen by Klomadu Theatre toured in the counties of Hedmark, Akershus, Hordaland, Rogaland, and was performed at Haugesund Theatre.


Kulturproduksjoner,, 20.06.2012,

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 29125)
Object type Production
Premiere April 26, 1991
Produced by Klomadu Theatre
Audience Children (from 7)
Language Norwegian
Keywords Storytelling theatre, Puppetry, Theatre, Performance for children
Running period April 26, 1991  
Website Klomadu Teater

Requirements to venue

Minimum stage width 6m
Minimum stage depth 6m
Rigging time 120 minutes
Contributors (13)
Name Role
Geirr Lystrup – Script
Svein Gundersen (teater) – Direction (for nypremieren)
Anders Nilsson – Direction
Bjørg Mathiesen – Choreography
Geirr Lystrup – Music
Britt Johnsson – Stage design
Britt Johnsson – Puppetry Design
Einar Breian – Actor
Nina Engelund – Actor
Karen Høie – Actor
Cesar Bolly – Musician
Vebrand Hellesøy – Musician
Britt Johnsson – Theatre masks
Performance dates
April 26, 1991Hedmark Teater Worldwide premiere
Press coverage

Arve Stensrud, date unknown, Hamar Dagblad [Hamar]:
"Besides being good theatre, this can also be good therapy. The fairytale world always has been. For the child. It is a channel to process reality through. Naturally, Klomadu Theatre has a conscious relationship to this. This is targeted theatre. It is not entertainment just for entertainment's sake. The production is a starting point for something more, for reflection."

Bente Elisabeth Skjefstad, date unknown, Hamar Arbeiderblad [Hamar]:
"The entire stage image is impressive. The curtains give a feel of entering a closed and secret room, with proximity to the performers. Thus the audience directly enters the child Amina's experiences, when she is to liberate herself from her parents' nagging between meetings and work. (...) The play Granatengelen* (The Grenade Angel) is a tribute to bravery, it shows that the unknown is no longer as dangerous, but it challenges. That is the key to living a full life."

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.