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Vision Invisible - the happy journey

Vision Invisible - the happy journey is a production by Archaeology Bird Workshop.


(Objekt ID 27561)
Object type Production
Premiere March 10, 2000
Produced by Archaeology Bird Workshop
Audience Adults
Language English and Chinese
Keywords Theatre, Science fiction

In the spring program of BIT Teatergarasjen 2000 the following is written about Vision Invisible - the happy journey by Archaeology Bird Workshop:

"From Hong Kong, China comes the writer and theatre director Chan Ping Chiu, who has worked with likeminded theatre activists for years, sharply looking for an experimental, examining expression. He looks at an inner exchange in the theatrical language, between the dramatic elements, and connects video, music and text.

In the work with Archaeology Bird Workshop and Vision Invisible - the happy journey he brings the poetic quality of the text into a performance built of simple images, all sated with meaning. (...)

Vision Invinsible - the happy journey is the product of the dialog between Chan Ping Chui the writer and Chan Ping Chui the director. We meet a small group of people, away from their metropolitan home ground (different versions of Hong Kong). At arrival in a new, distant metropolis they meet and share memories and personal images of the big city. They wonder.

Have they arrived where they wanted to? Have they lost their direction? Have they travelled at all?"


Spring program, 2000, BIT Teatergarasjen

Contributors (12)
Name Role
Chan Ping Chiu – Direction
Peter Suart – Music
Ricky Chan – Stage design
Chung Siu-Mui – Costume
Mark Chan – Video/Film
Billy Chan – Lighting design
Emily Cheng – Actor
Lee Chi-man – Actor
Peter Suart – Actor
Rebecca Tam – Actor
Toby To – Actor
Chan Po-yu – Technician
Performance dates
March 19, 2000 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
March 18, 2000 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
March 17, 2000 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
March 16, 2000 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
March 15, 2000 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
March 12, 2000Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
March 11, 2000Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
March 10, 2000Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater National premiere, Norway