CMMN SNS PRJCT (2011) is a production by Kalauz/Schick. CMMN SNS PRJCT was performed as part of the festival Monsters of Reality in Oslo.

Monsters of Reality was a theatre festival with the theme of theatre based on reality.


(Objekt ID 27531)
Object type Production
Premiere 2011
Produced by Kalauz/Schick
Audience Adults
Language English
Keywords Theatre
Running period 2011  

On the webpage of Dramatikkens Hus the following was written about CMMN SNS PRJCT by Kalauz/Schick:

"CMMN SNS PRJCT deals with social relationships and the gaps that can be created when operating beyond the logic of economic profit. CMNN SNS PRJCT proposes new trading opportunities and forms of exchange within the context of theatre, that further reach the limits of fictionality. Together living singular experiences where intimacy and the unfamiliar intersect. And so, the theatre becomes an arena of free trade and adventure, a space between voyeurism and participation, and ode to incompleteness.

All that unspoken agreements upon which we relate to each other, all of the criteria by which we act and think and according to which we make decision, all habits and conventions that influence our doings, all of the things that we take as 'normal' and about which we say 'of course' and we no longer question. Welcome to the world of 'common sense'.

If you call it a theatre piece, you affirm. If you call it not a theatre piece, you negate. Beyond affirmation and negation, what would you call it?"


Dramatikkens hus,, 15.03.2012,

Contributors (4)
Name Role
Laura Kalauz – Concept/Idea
Martin Schick – Concept/Idea
Laura Kalauz – Performer
Martin Schick – Performer
Performance dates
March 23, 2012 19.00 – Hallen, Norwegian Centre for New Playwriting (NCNP) (Monsters of Reality) visiting performance
2011  (Freischwimmer) Worldwide premiere
Festivals (2)
Monsters of Reality March 23, 2012
Freischwimmer 2011