Comfort and Complacency

Comfort and Complacency (2001) is a production by Par B. L. eux and Benoît Lachambre.


(Objekt ID 27492)
Object type Production
Produced by
Coproducers BIT Teatergarasjen
Audience Adults
Keywords Dance
Running period September 1, 2000  
Duration 60 minutes
Website Par B. L. eux

In the spring program of BIT Teatergarasjen 2001 the following is written about Comfort and Complacency (2001) by Par B. L. eux and Benoît Lachambre:

"The visiting performance this spring, a BIT Teatergarasjen co-production, is Comfort and Complacency. It had its world wide premiere in Montreal the autumn of 2000. As in Délire Défait Lachambre forces the members of the audience to look and perceive in directions they hesitate to go.

One's basic values and ideas are placed into this snare, squeezed empty of categorical wisdom, leaving room for open reflection, as if that can add anything. The performers are dressed in fur. They are dressed in fur only, and the provocation is obvious - men, women and gender in an orgy of and about style, aesthetics, beauty and the right to comfort and complacency.

Integrated in the installation is Julie Andrée T., who balances the organic decadence with the cold and synthetic. The choreographer enters in stiletto heels, tied into a tight corset."


Spring program, 2001, BIT Teatergarasjen

Par B. L. eux,, 15.03.2012,

Contributors (11)
Name Role
Benoît Lachambre – Choreography
Julie Andrée Tremblay – Stage design
Benoît Lachambre – Costume design
Martin Bélanger – Dancer
Joe Hiscott – Dancer
Benoît Lachambre – Dancer
Tonja Livingstone – Dancer
Jacques Moisan – Dancer
Pierre Rubio – Dancer
George Stamos – Dancer
Julie Andrée Tremblay – Dancer
Performance dates
January 28, 2001 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
January 27, 2001 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
January 26, 2001 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show