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Season program BIT Teatergarasjen autumn 2001. pdf August 2001 Download

Weak Dance Strong Questions

Weak Dance Strong Questions (2001) is a production by Jonathan Burrows and Jan Ritsema.


(Objekt ID 27479)
Object type Production
Produced by Burrows/Ritsema
Keywords Dance, Performance
Running period 2001  
Website Jonathan Burrows

In the autumn program of BIT Teatergarasjen 2001 the following is written about the production Weak Dance Strong Questions by Jonathan Burrows and Jan Ritsema:

"Weak Dance Strong Questions was first presented in Stockholm in March 2001. This preview was the result of long-time collaboration between the choreographer Jonathan Burrows and the director Jan Ritsema. The collaboration started when both taught at P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels.

The dance performance has already gotten a lot of attention in Europe, partly because of the artist constellation Burrows/Ritsema, who are both recognised within their fields, but also because of the original character of the choreography.

In Weak Dance Strong Questions the audience is invited into a venue that is stripped down to a high degree. The intimate situation is created by lighting and music, or rather, the lack of such. Placed like in a U around the venue floor the audience is who is illuminated and in the ring a battle concerning movements is fought, movements refusing to be tainted by technologic extravagance nor the remembrance material of the dancers.

The performances are presented with support from The British Council, The Norwegian Culture Fund and BergArt."


Autumn program, 2001, BIT Teatergarasjen

Contributors (2)
Name Role
Jan Ritsema – Direction
Jonathan Burrows – Choreography
Performance dates
October 28, 2001BIT Teatergarasjen Show
October 27, 2001BIT Teatergarasjen Show
October 26, 2001BIT Teatergarasjen Show