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Season program BIT Teatergarasjen autumn 2001. pdf August 2001 Download

Icaro Involato

Icaro Involato is a production by Almescabre.


(Objekt ID 27437)
Object type Production
Produced by Almescabre
Keywords Theatre

In the autumn program of BIT Teatergarasjen 2001 the following is written about Icaro Involato by Almescabre:

"In the production Icaro Involato theatrical spectacle and fascinating fiction is created by, among other things, projections. An image as in dialogue and interaction with the actors, constructs a fictional, colourful surreal universe. The theatre company ignores theatrical rules as well as gravity, challenging the fine emotions and proper etiquette.

In the interaction between actor and image there is tension, as in the relationship between stage and auditorium. The images left with the audience after the show are built in layers, not just formally, but also as in meaning and depth. An example of image and action challenging the image is when the performer, illustrating an act of making love, conquers the woman on screen."


Autumn program, 2001, BIT Teatergarasjen.

Performance dates
October 6, 2001 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
October 5, 2001 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
Festivals (1)
METEOR October 5, 2001