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Season program BIT Teatergarasjen autumn 2001. pdf August 2001 Download

Edith Piaf - de store kvinnene og meg* (Edith Piaf - the Great Women and Me)

Edith Piaf - de store kvinnene og meg* (Edith Piaf - the Great Women and Me) is a production by Lahrs.

It was originally called Edith Piaf - ingen grunn til å angre* (Edith Piaf - no reason for regret), but changed its title.

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 27426)
Object type Production
Original title Edith Piaf - ingen grunn til å angre* (Edith Piaf - no reason for regret)
Produced by
Coproducers BIT Teatergarasjen
Keywords Monologue, Music, Video

In the autumn program of BIT Teatergarasjen 2001 the following is written aboutEdith Piaf - de store kvinnene og meg* (Edith Piaf - the Great Women and Me) by Lahrs:

"This one-act play is devoted to the mystery of Edith Piaf. The production is composed by film, music and text in what is an uncompromised, rough journey into all we didn't know about Edith Piaf. What we remember is a little woman with a great voice, who fascinated all the men she met.

But who knows that she was blind as a child? Or that the love of her life died in a plane crash because she had asked him to take an earlier flight?

The story of Edith Piaf is conveyed to us through three voices - the actress, the musician and the movie. Behind monologues, written on the basis of Simone Berteaut's biography, the film supplements and comments, reserved and silent. The music is partly rearranged to a more modern expression. The new theatre company brings the story of Edith Piaf up to date, pulling us into a rough, but intimate mystery."


Autumn program, 2001, BIT Teatergarasjen

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Contributors (2)
Name Role
Elisabeth Lahr – Actor
Ole Amund Gjersvik – Musician
Performance dates
October 4, 2001 22:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
October 3, 2001 22:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
Festivals (1)
METEOR October 3, 2001