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Season program BIT Teatergarasjen autumn 2001. pdf August 2001 Download

Miguel Antonio

Miguel Antonio is a production by Miguel Pereira.


(Objekt ID 27410)
Object type Production
Keywords Dance, Theatre, Dance theatre

In the autumn program of BIT Teatergarasjen 2001 the following, among other things, is written about Miguel Antonio by Miguel Pereira:

"The first image meeting the audience in Antonio Miguel is a human being in an extravagantly pompous posture, radiating self-glorification the way of a diva. The enjoyment slowly, but surely, switches to pain, visible pain.

The performing artist Miguel Pereira examines the zones of the impossible, zones outside of the rational range of performing arts. Underway he and Italian Antonio Tagliarini mutate forth impossible images from the stage in Teatergarasjen, using a microphone, their own bodies and action somewhere between acting and dance.

The production Antonio Miguel plays with itself and the audience. The game becomes a journey of exploration towards the surprising and confronting. Two nude bodies? Or one four-legged body?"


Autumn program, 2001, BIT Teatergarasjen

Contributors (2)
Name Role
Miguel Pereira – Actor
Antonio Tagliarini – Actor
Performance dates
October 3, 2001 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
October 2, 2001 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
Festivals (1)
METEOR October 2, 2001