Det urolige hjertet* (The Unquiet Heart)

Det urolige hjertet* (The Unquiet Heart) (1996) was a production by Klomadu Theatre and Hamar Diocese

At the webpage of Kulturproduksjoner the following is written about Det urolige hjertet:

"A 20 minute long 'church play', for adults. Performed by nine actors and one musician. Texts from The New Testament, The Dream Poem, contemporary poets and the Norwegian mountain guidelines."


E-mail from Karen Høie/Kulturproduksjoner, 03.01.2012

Kulturproduksjoner,, 08.03.2012,

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 27034)
Object type Production
Premiere 1996
Produced by Klomadu Theatre
In collaboration with
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Music
Running period 1996  —  1997
Duration 20 minutes
Website Kulturproduksjoner
Contributors (12)
Name Role
Svein Gundersen (teater) – Script
Svein Gundersen (teater) – Direction
Bjørn Sverre Kristensen – Music
Gunn Bergvik – Actor
Nina Engelund – Actor
Karen Høie – Actor
Anne Hilde Laland – Actor (Presten)
Hilde Veronika Östensson – Actor (Barnet)
Karen Høie – Singer
Hilde Veronika Östensson – Singer
Karen Høie – Producer
Anne Hilde Laland – Producer
Performance dates
1997 Reopening
1996Domkirkeodden i Hamar Worldwide premiere
Press coverage

Hilde Berit Evensen, date unknown, Hamar Dagblad [Hamar]:
"The whole diocesan council was visibly moved by Klomadu Theatre's production Det urolige hjertet* (The Unquiet Heart), performed in the entrance of the mansion of The Hedmark Museum. [...] Part of the point for us who live today is to dare to acknowledge the unquiet heart of the world, Anne-Hilde Laland said. She and Svein Gundersen have been responsible for The Klomadu Theatre's powerful, thought-provoking performance. 'The humans keep walking, restless inside', as it is said during the performance."