Reindans - Boazodánsa* (Reindeer dance)

Reindans - Boazodánsa* (Reindeer dance) (2012) is a dance production by Eltoft & Grøtte.

In Reindans - Boazodánsa dance is for the first time combined with traditional Sami reindeer husbandry. The production seeks to convey a cold ambience representing the Sami, the Nordic and the Arctic.

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 26722)
Object type Production
Premiere July 24, 2010
Produced by
Audience All
Keywords Dance
Running period July 24, 2010  
Duration 35 minutes
Website Eltoft & Grøtte

Requirements to venue

Blackout Yes

On the webpage of Eltoft & Grøtte the following is written about Reindans - Boazodánsa* (Reindeer dance):

"In the middle of the vast steppes we get closer to the grind of the reindeer. I feel the cold bite in my body as I enter the fenced area. The temperature is 24 degrees below zero (Celsius), the wind is tormenting and the landscape provides no shelter. The area of movement for the reindeer is scarily limited. Within a diameter of 8 meters the animals rage around us. The power is violent. They plough the way, above each other and underneath each other. They throw us off-balance. They climb each other. They breathe hard. I can feel their antlers touching my skin. We are dragged along in a wave of movement.

The winter of 2009 two dancers found the courage to stand in the middle of a chaotic herd of reindeer to dance. This unusual meeting with the reindeers and the cold landscape resulted in the production Reindans - Boazodánsa. Aided by film recordings from this meeting plus ambience-creating light and music the dancers want to bring the audience along in their experience of being within the herd of reindeers and the energy they were driven into.

The production has also been performed in smaller excerpt versions during conferences and other events, and it can be adjusted for different settings."

Combined with an art workshop the production Reindans - Boazodánsa is offered lower secondary school pupils within the municipality of Tromsø.

Reindans - Boazodánsa has toured with The Cultural Rucksack in Finnmark. See tour list here.

Supported by: Arts Council Norway, The Audio Visual Fund, The Fund for Performing Artists, the county of Finnmark,, Dàiddafoanda, Saami Council, the culture fund INTRO Kulturnæringsfond i Tromsø, Innovation Norway, Dansearena nord (production support).


Eltoft & Grøtte,, 06.02.2012,

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Contributors (8)
Name Role
Johanne Eltoft – Concept/Idea
Simone C. Grøtte Pedersen – Concept/Idea
Herman Rundberg – Composition
Viktor Enoksen – Video/Film
Sveinung Ryan – Video/Film
Tor S. Ditlevsen – Lighting design
Johanne Eltoft – Dancer
Simone C. Grøtte Pedersen – Dancer
Performance dates
January 29, 2012Polaria opplevelsessenter (Nordlysfestivalen) Show
January 28, 2012Polaria opplevelsessenter (Nordlysfestivalen) Show
January 22, 2012Polaria opplevelsessenter Show
Navember 13, 2011Karasjok Kulturhus Show
Navember 11, 2011Lakselv Kino og Kultursal Show
Navember 9, 2011  (DanceFestival Barents) Show
Navember 7, 2011Alta kultursal Show
Navember 6, 2011Kautokeino Kulturhus Show
September 20, 2011Polaria opplevelsessenter Show
March 13, 2011 13:00 – Polaria opplevelsessenter Show
March 13, 2011 15:00 – Polaria opplevelsessenter Show
March 12, 2011Polaria opplevelsessenter Show
March 11, 2011Polaria opplevelsessenter Show
March 10, 2011Polaria opplevelsessenter Show
March 9, 2011Polaria opplevelsessenter Show
March 4, 2011The Main Stage, KulturHuset in Tromsø Show
December 1, 2010  (Showbox) Show
Navember 19, 2010Olderdalen Kultursenter Show
July 24, 2010 14:00  (Riddu Riđđu) Worldwide premiere
July 24, 2010 16:00  (Riddu Riđđu) Show
Festivals (4)
Nordlysfestivalen January 28, 2012
DanceFestival Barents Navember 9, 2011
Showbox December 1, 2010
Riddu Riđđu July 24, 2010
Press coverage

Erlend Kjernli, Tromsø [Tromsø] (date unknown):

"The dance was so spectacular several spectators believed that the dancers had utilised special effects."

Susanne Nordeng, Avisa Nordlys [Tromsø] (date unknown):

"It became an amazing dance show combined with film on widescreens, very reminiscent of IMAX cinema, for really to feel that one were present among the herd of reindeer with grunts and breathing and hoofs and antlers."

Richard Edvardsen, 25.11.2010, Framtid i Nord:

"Describing the traditional business and culture through the innovation of Reindans is daring. But the artists have fully succeeded. The project was built on different cultural expressions - and what an interaction it became! An experience we long will remember!”

Harald Gaski, 04.08.2010, Avisa Nordlys [Tromsø]:

"The production should be staged several times, it should be presented in the capital of the country and it represents not least an amazing article to export from Sápmi and Norway!"     

Bjørn Lockertsen, 26.07.2010, Avisa Nordlys [Tromsø]:

"The opening of Reindans was comprehensive, honest and not least well done, challenging the audience in more ways than one."