Workshop performance

Workshop with Verdensteateret during Autunnale 2003

During the contemporary music festival Autunnale in Bergen in 2003 Verdensteateret held a cross-genre workshop. The workshop ended with a workshop performance.


(Objekt ID 25037)
Object type Production
In collaboration with BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen National Academy of the Arts, , Bergen Center for Electronic Arts
Keywords Multidisciplinary, Workshop
Running period September 27, 2003  —  September 27, 2003

The workshop was arranged by the festival Autunnale in collaboration with BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen National Academy of the Arts (KHIB) , The University of Bergen/The Grieg Academy and BEK (Bergen Center for Electronic Arts).

Performance dates
September 27, 2003 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen workshop
Festivals (1)
Autunnale September 27, 2003