
Punch-drunk is a production by Demodans.

According to the spring program of BIT Teatergarasjen in 1999 Punch-drunk is the fourth of Demodans' concert/dance productions.


(Objekt ID 24552)
Object type Production
Premiere April 10, 1999
Produced by Demodans
Coproducers BIT Teatergarasjen
Audience Youth, Adults
Keywords Dance, Music
Running period April 10, 1999  —  April 18, 1999

In the spring program of BIT Teatergarasjen 1999 the following is written Punch-drunk by Demodans:

"The new production finds inspiration in narcissism and anaesthesia. Where the former productions have been dark, heavy and sombre at times, Punch-drunk will approach the same experiences in a white, over-exposed lighting design."

Punch-drunk by Demodans was supported by Arts Council Norway and The Audio Visual Fund.


Spring program 1999, BIT Teatergarasjen

Contributors (9)
Name Role
Eva-Cecilie Richardsen – Choreography
Gunnar Innvær – Music
Hans Christian Gilje – Stage design
Eva-Cecilie Richardsen – Stage design
Torbjørn Ljunggren – Video/Film
Hans Christian Gilje – Lighting design
Vivild Bergersen – Dancer
Kristianne Mo – Dancer
Ulf Nilseng – Dancer
Performance dates
May 20, 1999Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
May 20, 1999Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
May 19, 1999Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
May 18, 1999Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
May 16, 1999Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
May 15, 1999Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
May 14, 1999Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
April 18, 1999 20:00 – Hallen, The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) Show
April 17, 1999 20:00 – Hallen, The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) Show
April 16, 1999 20:00 – Hallen, The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) Show
April 15, 1999 20:00 – Hallen, The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) Show
April 11, 1999 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
April 10, 1999 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Worldwide premiere