The last performance

The Last performance by Jèrôme Bel is a dance production discussing copying, sampling and recycling.


(Objekt ID 24376)
Object type Production
Premiere October 12, 1999
Produced by
Audience Adults
Keywords Dance

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

In the Oktoberdans program 1999 the following is written about The last performance by Jérôme Bel:

"The foundation for Jérôme Bel's The last performance was the quote - or the unsolicited loan. Bel, one of the central contemporary dance choreographers of the past decade, wanted to create a work consisting of choreographies by others. But legal problems arose: Bel was sent an excerpt from the copyright laws and understood that the project could put him in jail.

Bel found a solution: He asked the choreographers in questions if he could borrow excerpts from certain works. Those to turn him down he wanted to use in a sequence of its own, starting with the line "I am not". Finally he was allowed to use a Susanne Linke fragment from the choreography Wandlung as the opening of his piece, which suited his idea of a play with identities excellently.

The last performance points at the construction of reality, and the production comments the relationship between reality and game, original and copy. The character gallery ranges from Andre Agassi and Hamlet to Bel himself, among others. His cynical juggling with identity codes has visited festivals and dance venues in large parts of Europe with success."


Youtube, 07.11.2011,

The Oktoberdans program 1999, page 19, BIT Teatergarasjen

Contributors (7)
Name Role
Jérôme Bel – Concept/Idea
Susanne Linke – Choreography
Jérôme Bel – Staging
Jérôme Bel – Dancer
Antonio Carallo – Dancer
Claire Haenni – Dancer
Frédéric Seguette – Dancer
Performance dates
October 13, 1999BIT Teatergarasjen Show
October 12, 1999 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen National premiere, Norway
Festivals (1)
Oktoberdans October 12, 1999