Description of a Picture


(Objekt ID 24182)
Object type Production
Premiere October 28, 2011
Produced by
Based on Bildebeskrivelse by Heiner Müller
Language Norwegian, German and English
Keywords Performance, Music
Running period October 28, 2011  —  October 30, 2011
Website 1857

Requirements to venue

Blackout Yes

This is what’s going on in Dæhlin’s composition:

Eight speaker elements are hung from the concrete ceiling using piano wire, and positioned according to the picture described by Müller. They mark out a visual and auditive room. As the text and the sound moves through the speakers, action, time and space accumulate. The text is read in three languages: Norwegian, German and English.
The speakers and electromagnetic fields make the piano strings vibrate, creating slow feedback glissandi. The sound composition that creates the counter-point to the text – the hidden plan – is based on these feedback sounds from the piano wire, noise and musical fragments detected in the text, as well as referential music. The idea is based on the image – on the description of it.

Thanks to: Finn Iunker, Frédéric Boudin, Notto Thelle, Asbjørn Flø, Cato Langnes, Per-Oskar Leu, technician Svein Inge Nergaard, producer Morten Kippe, scenographer Christina Lindgren, Tom Wikne – Piano Verkstedet, Ljudia Grünerløkka, Ny Musikk and NOTAM.

Commissioned by NOTAM

Supported by Det Norske Komponist Fond and Arts Council Norway


Pressrelease from Erik Dæhlin, 25.10.2011

Contributors (13)
Name Role
Heiner Müller – Text
Finn Iunker – Translation (til norsk)
Dennis Redmond – Translation (til engelsk)
Erik Dæhlin – Sound
Erik Dæhlin – Performer
Erik Dæhlin – Voiceover
Alvhild Dæhlin – Voiceover
Ulrikke Hansen Døvigen – Voiceover
Cornelia Fiedler – Voiceover
Selma Lindgren – Voiceover
Duc Mai-The – Voiceover
Hermann Sabado – Voiceover
Robert Simon – Voiceover
Performance dates
October 30, 2011 19:00 – 1857 Show
October 30, 2011 21:00 – 1857 Show
October 28, 2011 19:00 – 1857 Opening night
October 28, 2011 21:00 – 1857 Show