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Program for Nationaltheatrets produksjon "Maria Q" (1994) pdf January 15, 1994 Download

Maria Q

Maria Q was a theatre production staged by The National Theatre in 1994, based on the play by Cecilie Løveid. The production was performed at the Amphi Stage.

Kjetil Bang-Hansen directed it.

The production was the world premiere of Løveid's play about Maria Quisling, the second wife of Vidkun Quisling. Ellen Horn acted in the title role.


(Objekt ID 24046)
Object type Production
Premiere January 15, 1994
Produced by The National Theatre
Based on Maria Q/Maria Quisling by Cecilie Løveid
Audience Adults
Number of events 30
Language Norwegian
Keywords Drama, Theatre
Running period January 15, 1994  

Requirements to venue

Blackout Yes
Performance dates
Festivals (1)