The Cardinals' Collation

The Cardinals' Collation was a theatre production produced by Det Nye Teaterin 1953, based on the play by Júlio Dantas

Alfred Solaas directed it.

The one-act play was performed with The Bear by Anton Chekhov and This Property is Condemned by Tennessee Williams.


(Objekt ID 22790)
Object type Production
Premiere April 26, 1953
Produced by Det Nye Teater
Based on The Cardinals' Collation by Júlio Dantas
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords One-act Play, Theatre
Running period April 26, 1953  
Contributors (7)
Name Role
Júlio Dantas – Playwright
Leif Sletsjøe – Translation
Alfred Solaas – Direction
Kaare Hegle – Stage design
Tore Foss – Actor (Kardinal de Montmorency)
Folkman Schaanning – Actor (Kardinal Gonzaga de Castro)
Einar Vaage – Actor (Kardinal Rufo)
Performance dates
April 26, 1953Hovedscenen, Det Nye Teater National premiere, Norway