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Program fra Klomadu Teater produksjon Kan den fly? (2002). pdf 2002 Download

Kan den fly* (Can it fly?)

In the performance for children named Kan den fly* (Can it fly?) (2002) produced by Klomadu Theatre Klausa and Agora have sought refuge in a loft they will not leave unless it is to get food. In the attic they work on constructing flying mechanisms. Kan den fly? is a performance about friendship and challenges, to mobilise the courage to meet the world and to meet it as the weird person one really is. Who is normal, by the way?

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 2170)
Object type Production
Premiere December 16, 2002
Produced by Klomadu Theatre
Audience Children (from 6)
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Performance for children
Running period December 16, 2002  
Website Klomadu Teater

Requirements to venue

Blackout Yes

In Kan den fly?* (Can it fly?) by Klomadu Theatre a damaged bird one day crashes into the attic where Klausa and Agora are. From now on all their actions are centred around helping the bird to get back on its wings, something they realise in inventive ways. But through helping someone else they also have, without realising, helped themselves. As the bird gets well and flies back into the world, the two take each others’ hands and leave the attic.

Kan den fly? by Klomadu Theatre was selected for the festival Assitej in Kristiansand in 2004. It has also been performed as a visiting production in The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) in Oslo, in the university colleges of Vestfold and Hedmark, and it has toured Hedmark with The Cultural Rucksack.

Kan den fly? was supported by Arts Council Norway, The Audio Visual Fund, the county of Hedmark and the municipality of Hamar.


Performing Arts Hub Norway, 14.12.2010, http://www.danseogteatersentrum.no/sck/members.shtml?lang=nor&sam=&cat=&gen=&cou=&cri=Klomadu%20Teater&aid=24&prid=5&act=prod

Klomadu Theatre, 14.12.2010, http://www.klomadu.no/spilleplanen.htm

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Contributors (11)
Name Role
Karen Høie – Script
Svein Gundersen (teater) – Direction
Henrik Høie – Music
Helga Meta Høie – Visual design (Program og plakat)
Svein Gundersen (teater) – Stage design
Ola Jevnaker – Costume design
Ole Asmer Kværneng – Light
Nina Engelund – Actor (Agora)
Karen Høie – Actor (Klausa)
Jorunn Myhre – Puppet maker
Karen Høie – Producer
Performance dates
2004  (International Puppetry Festival ) visiting performance
December 16, 2002 Worldwide premiere
Press coverage

Espen Solli, 17.12.2002, Hamar Dagblad [Hamar]:
"A bird flies through the window where Klausa (Karen Høie) and Agora (Nina Engelund) are, two lightly confused women who prefer to stay indoors in an old attic, where they work on building flying mechanisms. The severely damaged bird becomes the centre of their attention and all creative measures are taken into use to get it back on its wings. (...) Klausa and Agora follow the bird’s example and dare to follow it out into the world, despite Agora’s fear of monsters and people she doesn’t know."

Geir Vestad, 17.12.2002, Hamar Arbeiderblad [Hamar]:
"A bird flies through the window at Klausa (Karen Høie) and Agora's (Nina Engelund), two slightly confounded women who prefer to stay indoors, in an old attic, where they work on making flying mechanics. The seriously damaged bird becomes the centre of their attention, and all kinds of creative means are used to get the bird back on its wings. (...) Klausa and Agora follow the bird's example and dare to go out in the big, dangerous world, despite Agora's fear of monsters and people she doesn't know."