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Forestillingsprogram for Teater NORs produksjon Narcissus (2002). pdf 2002 Download


Through the production NarcissusTeater NOR wanted to re-establish the dignity of Narcissus and to declare him healthy. Narcissus emphasises the fall of Narcissus, from being half a God to having to lend his name to a negative diagnosis. This way, Teater NOR meets the popular psychology and its apostles. As one knows, they claim one has to love one’s self to love others. Teater NOR means this is a rude simplification at best and wrong to a large degree.


(Objekt ID 2093)
Object type Production
Premiere October 22, 2002
Produced by Teater NOR
Coproducers Nordland Visual Theatre
Based on Narcissus by
Audience Youth, Adults (from 13)
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Physical theatre, Musical theatre
Running period October 22, 2002  
Website Teater NOR

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

About Narcissus by Teater NOR:

Narcissus was the beautiful young boy who fell in love with his own mirrored reflection. This self-indulgent love was a punishment from God after he had shown the arrogance of rejecting the love of the nymph Echo. When Narcissus had eroded in front of his own reflection, they transformed him into a flower. Since then the story of Narcissus has passed through the Western cultural history and today it has become a well-worn, perhaps a little worn-out, allegory over modern ego-centrism. The character of Narcissus has become synonymous with superficiality, ignorance and self-indulgence. He has been known as a detestable figure, who gave power to narcissism as fuel for human behaviour.

In the production Narcissus Teater NOR does not primarily wish to attack cultural narcissism. Narcissus was no narcissist. As opposed to everyone who is condemned in his name, he was unfamiliar with the fact his lover was himself. Where he sat by the well he really believed he was looking into the eyes of the most beautiful boy in the world. Narcissus thought he saw the Other, while he was just seeing himself. Alas, Narcissus is not the crook. The water reflection is. He was blinded by the illusion of the Other, turning out to be the reflection of himself.

Narcissus by Teater NOR was made in a room consisting of five large mirror plates on wheels.

Narcissus was produced in collaboration with Nordland Visual Theatre.

Source: E-mail from Thorbjørn Gabrielsen, 10.11.2010

Contributors (20)
Name Role
Thorbjørn Gabrielsen – Script
Thorbjørn Gabrielsen – Direction
Andreas Eilertsen – Music
Rolf Engelsen – Dramaturge
Geir Ove Andersen – Stage design
Ragnhild Lie – Costume design
Ragnhild Lie – Video/Film
Jan Erik Skarby – Lighting design
Andreas Eilertsen – Actor
Cristina Granados – Actor
Sissel Helgesen – Actor
Øystein Reksten Sanne – Actor
Karolina Szafranowska – Actor
Andreas Eilertsen – Musician (fiolin)
Sissel Helgesen – Musician (trekkspill)
Øystein Reksten Sanne – Musician (kontrabass)
Bassim Abdul Khalik Jawad – Welder (og ingeniør)
Geir Ove Andersen – Technician
Øystein Helle – Technician
Geir Ove Andersen – Producer
Performance dates
October 22, 2002Gimle, Stamsund - Teater NOR Opening night