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Festivalprogram for BIT teatergarasjens festival Profiler '95 (1995) pdf 1995 Download

7 against Thebes

7 against Thebes (1994) by Verdensteatret merged Aeschylus' 7 against Thebes and the text of Heiner Müller's Landscape with Argonauts (Landschaft mit Argonauten). The music was by Biosphere.


(Objekt ID 18004)
Object type Production
Premiere 1994
Produced by Verdensteatret
Based on Seven against Thebes by Aiskhylos; Landscape with Argonauts by Heiner Müller
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Performance, Post-dramatic theatre, Video, Multimedia, Music, Political Theatre, Tragedy
Running period 1994  —  Navember 1995
Website Seven against Thebes

Requirements to venue

Blackout Yes

Aeschylus' tragedy describes a city in moral decline as the enemy besieges the city, standing outside the seven gates of Thebes. Further it explores the blood-stained logic of civil war.

Landscape with Argonauts is the last part of Müller's trilogy Despoiled Shores/Medea Material/Landscape with Argonauts, describing the Western project of civilisation as a conquest.

Performances not shown underneath the Performance dates list:


The Norwegian Theatre, "Action Sarajevo" Oslo, Norway.

Artist Palace, Vilnius, Lithuania

At Black Box Teater in Oslo 7 against Thebes was performed with Orfeo.


Buresund, Inger and Anne-Britt Gran (1996): Frie grupper og Black Box Teater. 1970-1995 (literally: Independent companies and Black Box Teater), adNotam Gyldendal, Oslo

Verdensteatret, verdensteatret.com, 04.10.2011, http://www.verdensteatret.com/seven.html

Performance dates
Navember 3, 1995 22:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
Navember 2, 1995 22:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
Navember 1, 1995 22:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
February 14, 1995Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
February 13, 1995Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
February 12, 1995Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
February 11, 1995Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
February 10, 1995Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
October 9, 1994BIT Teatergarasjen Show
1994 Opening night
Festivals (2)
Profiler '95 Navember 1, 1995
[3P] October 9, 1994
Press coverage

Writer and date unknown, Klassekampen [Oslo]:
"A performance which, despite some minor flaws, is impressively free and professional. Verdensteatret bases its work in classic myths and an eclectic selection of modern literature. [...] The production has room for many subtle transitions between humour and pain. We see the themes at many levels, and most sympathetic is it that these artists obviously have a wise relationship to the issues, filled with understanding. Verdensteatret has taken a significant step forward, and is no doubt among the independent theatre projects it will be exciting to follow."