Rambukk produced by Gorgon Productions is a performance with a woman, a video camera and a goat. "When I fall in love, I feel as if I were a goat, that’s how it started..." It is easier to dress naked for a stranger than to rest naked in the eye of someone you know. Meeting another person is sufficiently scary for Kristin Hestad to move one step down the food chain to practice.
The company uses the title Rambukk in English as well as Norwegian. It means Battering Ram.
(Objekt ID 1791)Object type | Production |
Premiere | March 3, 2005 |
Produced by | Gorgon Productions |
Audience | Adults |
Language | Norwegian |
Keywords | Multidisciplinary, Video, Theatre |
Running period | March 3, 2005 |
Website | Gorgon Produksjoner |
Rambukk by Gorgon Productions builds on experiences from one of the company’s former productions.
The autumn of 2003 Kristin Hestad and Ingebjørg Torgersen performed the solo show Still Life in the Zoological Museum of Oslo. Stuffed in the moment of action Kristin Hestad stood in a display case with four song swans and a live goose as her alter ego, terrified to die and scared to death of living.
After the production Still Life had run its course the goose was to live the rest of her life in the countryside. But after just one week she was, tragically enough, eaten by a fox. Only then, when it was too late, Hestad discovered how fond she had grown in the goose. It made her think that the small, but important meetings pass us by, without us understanding that these are the moments during which important things may happen.
This subject is being examined in the new production of Hestad and Torgersen, Rambukk. This time they have chosen a more robust co-star – one that can’t be eaten by the fox just like that.
Among the company’s own texts one can also find quotes from Julia Kristeva, Sigmund Freud, Charles Darwin, the timber planting school Telemark Skogplanteskule and Luce Irigaray.
Performing artist Kristin Hestad was educated at Ecole Jacques Lecoq in Paris, has a background in the natural sciences from her civil engineering studies, and has a black belt in aikido. She founded and runs Gorgon Productions.
Ingebjørg Torgersen is a filmmaker, educated at the National Film School of Denmark, and a conceptual artist. She also has a background in agricultural studies. At her farm, Hafstein, she develops film, theatre and trees.
Rambukk was supported by Arts Council Norway and The Audio Visual Fund.
Source: Gorgon Productions, http://gorgonproductions.wordpress.com/rambukk/18.10.2010
Performing Arts Hub Norway, http://www.danseogteatersentrum.no/sck/members.shtml?lang=nor&sam=&cat=3&gen=&cou=&cri=&aid=17&prid=12&act=prod 06.10.2010
Name | Role |
Kristin Hestad | – Text |
Julia Kristeva | – Text |
Kristin Hestad | – Concept/Idea |
Ingebjørg Torgersen | – Concept/Idea |
Ingebjørg Torgersen | – Direction |
Olav Torget | – Music |
Knut-Jarle Hvitmyr | – Stage design |
Ebba Johansson | – Costume |
Boya Bøckman | – Video/Film |
Boya Bøckman | – Lighting design |
Kristin Hestad | – Actor |
Kristin von Hirsch | – Photo |
March 6, 2005 20:30 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater | Show |
March 5, 2005 20:30 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater | Show |
March 4, 2005 20:30 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater | Show |
March 3, 2005 20:30 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater | Worldwide premiere |