B.A.D (1996) was a theatre production by De Utvalgte.B.A.Dwas based on Rainer Werner Fassbinder's play Garbage, the city and death (in Norwegian: Byen, avfallet og døden, shortened B.A.D).


(Objekt ID 17688)
Object type Production
Premiere October 1996
Produced by De Utvalgte
Based on Garbage, the city and death by Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Audience Adults
Number of events 7
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre
Running period October 1996  —  1996
Website De Utvalgte,

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

B.A.D by De Utvalgte was performed seven times in October 1996 in the club Stratos in the building Folkeoperabygningen.

De Utvalgte wants to thank the municipality of Oslo.


De Utvalgte, deutvalgte.no, 12.09.2011, http://www.deutvalgte.no/bad/BADsiden.html / 24.09.2021, https://www.deutvalgte.no/portfolio_page/bad/

Performance dates
October 1996Stratos Opening night
Press coverage

Peter Serck, Farlig Fassbinder (Dangerous Fassbinder), 18.10.1996, Morgenbladet [Oslo]:
"I choose to relate to this play and the performance of it as an ambiguous image of a far gone state of illness in the metropolis. [...] ...several places one can sense Brecht traditions, with the difference that there is no lecturing here at all. It may even be difficult to glimpse any direction at all in the play. That is why I choose to regard it as fundamentally chaotic - chaos is the real subject of this play."

Inger-Margrethe Lunde, date unknown, Klassekampen [Oslo]:
"It tended at times towards the amateur-like copying in acting style. [...] That is the uncomfortable. And we just barely get in touch with it. It should be much to expect from a half-professional company such as De Utvalgte."