Skrinet med det rare i* (The Box with the Weird Content)

Skrinet med det rare i* (The Box with the Weird Content) is a puppetry production by Baldrian og Musa.

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 17164)
Object type Production
Premiere 1991
Produced by
Based on Skrinet med det rare i by
Audience Children
Language Norwegian
Keywords Puppetry, Theatre, Performance for children
Running period 1991  

Requirements to venue

Minimum stage width 3m
Minimum stage depth 3m
Minimum stage height 3m
Audience 90
Contributors (4)
Name Role
Giert Werring – Script
Giert Werring – Concept/Idea
Giert Werring – Puppeteer
Giert Werring – Main producer
Performance dates
Navember 11, 2002Lille Scene, The National Stage New opening
1991 Opening night