My woman!

My woman! was a theatre production staged by The National Theatre in 1956, based on the play by Odd Eidem.


(Objekt ID 17054)
Object type Production
Premiere April 22, 1956
Produced by The National Theatre
Based on My woman! by Odd Eidem
Audience Adults
Number of events 12
Language Norwegian
Keywords Light comedy/slapstick, Theatre
Running period April 22, 1956  
Website Nationaltheatret

Requirements to venue

Blackout No
Contributors (9)
Name Role
Odd Eidem – Playwright
Gerda Ring – Direction
Rahe Raheny – Stage design
Lita Prahl – Costume design
Wenche Foss – Actor (Irene)
Stein Johan Grieg Halvorsen – Actor (Majoren)
Ella Hval – Actor (Lisa, Irenas tante)
Toralv Maurstad – Actor (Josef)
Jørn Ording – Actor (Victor)
Performance dates
April 22, 1956Hovedscenen, Nationaltheatret, The National Theatre Worldwide premiere