The way / you move

The way / you move was a performance by Mette Edvardsen.


(Objekt ID 17010)
Object type Production
Premiere April 28, 2006
Produced by Mette Edvardsen/Athome
Audience Adults
Keywords Performance
Running period April 28, 2006  —  February 17, 2007

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

In the info leaflet METTE EDVARDSEN >PROJECTS 2002-2010 the following is written about The way / you move:

"The relation to space and what space evokes are recurrent questions in my work. How do we behave and move inside of a certain environment, how does it produce** us or how do we produce it? What are the actions taking place in space and what is the performative potential of the built environment? The movement of the audience and the way the space interacts can be understood as choreographic material and choreographic proposals.  

In The way / you move I propose manipulations or adaptations of the space, in order to give attention to our movements in space. This work does not take place on stage, but leaves the stage behind in order to meet up with its audience in a different way."


Mette Edvardsen's private archive. Donated by: Mette Edvardsen, 11.12.2010

**The original text was in English. Mette Edvardsen probably means to ask how space affects the people in it and vice versa, translator's comment.

Contributors (2)
Name Role
Mette Edvardsen – Concept/Idea
Anette Lundebye – Photo
Performance dates
February 17, 2007Diverse Zaalen, Kunstencentrum Vooruit (the game is up!) Show
February 16, 2007Diverse Zaalen, Kunstencentrum Vooruit (the game is up!) Show
February 15, 2007Diverse Zaalen, Kunstencentrum Vooruit (the game is up!) Show
February 14, 2007Diverse Zaalen, Kunstencentrum Vooruit (the game is up!) Show
February 13, 2007Diverse Zaalen, Kunstencentrum Vooruit (the game is up!) Show
February 12, 2007Diverse Zaalen, Kunstencentrum Vooruit (the game is up!) Show
February 11, 2007Diverse Zaalen, Kunstencentrum Vooruit (the game is up!) Show
February 10, 2007Diverse Zaalen, Kunstencentrum Vooruit (the game is up!) Show
February 9, 2007Diverse Zaalen, Kunstencentrum Vooruit (the game is up!) Show
February 8, 2007Diverse Zaalen, Kunstencentrum Vooruit (the game is up!) Show
February 7, 2007Diverse Zaalen, Kunstencentrum Vooruit (the game is up!) Show
January 16, 2007Studio, Kaaitheater Show
April 28, 2006Les Bains Worldwide premiere
Festivals (1)
the game is up! February 7, 2007