Time will show (detail)

Time will show (detail) was a performance by Mette Edvardsen.


(Objekt ID 16884)
Object type Production
Premiere May 1, 2004
Produced by Mette Edvardsen/Athome
Audience Adults
Keywords Performance
Running period May 1, 2004  —  October 5, 2015
Website Black Box Teater

Requirements to venue

Blackout Yes

In the info leaflet METTE EDVARDSEN >PROJECTS 2002-2010 the following is written about Time will show (detail):

"Time will show is about time, and collapsing causalities in respect of the directions of time. Next to being a piece, Time will show is also a process taking place each time in the space where it is performed. Time will show is specific to each specific space. I follow certain procedures and structures, and create a different version in each different space. I work with video, and apply technological possibilities of this media onto the body, and the choreography/construction of the piece."

Time will show (detail) was supported by Arts Council Norway, The Audio Visual Fund and The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Source: Mette Edvardsen's private archive. Donated by: Mette Edvardsen, 11.12.2010

Contributors (4)
Name Role
Mette Edvardsen – Concept/Idea
Heiko Gölzer – Visual design (Tegning)
Mette Edvardsen – Performer
Anette Lundebye – Photo
Performance dates
October 5, 2015Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Show
October 2, 2015Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Show
June 20, 2008La Casa Encendida (In-Presentable Festival) Show
June 29, 2007Platform China (Borderline Festival) Show
March 15, 2007 20:30 – STUK Studio, STUK kunstencentrum Show
March 15, 2007 22:00 – STUK Studio, STUK kunstencentrum Show
January 16, 2007Studio, Kaaitheater Show
Navember 15, 2005Xing Show
October 9, 2005Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Show
October 8, 2005Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Show
Navember 6, 2004Studio, Kaaitheater Show
Navember 5, 2004Studio, Kaaitheater Show
Navember 4, 2004Studio, Kaaitheater Show
May 10, 2004Nadine - Plateau Show
May 1, 2004Vooruit Worldwide premiere
Festivals (2)
In-Presentable Festival June 20, 2008
Borderline Festival June 29, 2007