Break truth

Break Truth is a solo performance by and with Ingeleiv Berstad, made in collaboration with musician Julian Skar.

Sound and movement was mixed using interactive technology, with the aim of creating confusion as to what was the origin to what and which element ruled.


(Objekt ID 16676)
Object type Production
Audience Adults
Running period January 1, 2009  

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

In Break Truth by Ingeleiv Berstad the sound wasn't pre-produced. It was made in collaboration with the movements using a movement censor in a camera, plus microphones in the floor. Skar actively participated during the performances and processed the sound live, but with planned filters and tools.

In addition to the dancing body Berstad and Skar used tape from old VCR cassettes and ordinary cassettes as material. This was a stage design element as well as an element of sound. The choice of material was connected to what the artists call "the recycling method".

This method, one that Berstad and Skar also had used at an earlier time, was based on "recycling" or a high degree of repetition of material developed through improvisation. What they aimed for was a sense of consistency.

Break Truth by Ingeleiv Berstad was supported by The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (travel grant/performing arts).

Performance dates
Navember 20, 2010 21:00 – La Poderosa, Las Santas Show
Festivals (1)
No Estamos Solos Festival Navember 20, 2010