Masks of Venice


(Objekt ID 150432)
Object type Production
Premiere June 17, 2017
Audience All
Keywords Performance, Installation, Site spesific performance, Conference, Phd theatre
Running period June 17, 2017  —  June 27, 2017
Website Masks of Venice
Contributors (11)
Name Role
Ingvild Holm – Concept/Idea
Serge von Arx – Curator
Ellen Røed – Curator
Brynjar Bandlien – Performer
Bjørnar Habbestad – Performer
Ingvild Holm – Performer
Edvine Larssen – Performer
Cecilie Semec – Performer
Lisa Torell – Performer
Hazel Barstow – Mask design
Gualtiero Dall’Osto – Mask manager (Maskør)
Performance dates
June 27, 2017Venezia Show
June 26, 2017Venezia Show
June 25, 2017Venezia Show
June 24, 2017Venezia Show
June 23, 2017Venezia Show
June 22, 2017Venezia Show
June 21, 2017Venezia Show
June 20, 2017Venezia Show
June 19, 2017Venezia Show
June 18, 2017Venezia Show
June 17, 2017Venezia Worldwide premiere