Deze ogen

Deze ogen (2021) was a reading by Olympique DramatiqueDeze ogen was based on a play by Jon FosseDesse auga (These Eyes). The production was streamed on the website of Radio Toneelhuis in Antwerp, Belgium.


(Objekt ID 137210)
Object type Production
Premiere April 8, 2021
Produced by
Based on These Eyes by Jon Fosse
Audience Adults
Language Dutch
Keywords Reading, Streaming, Digital production, Corona-production
Running period April 8, 2021  
Contributors (9)
Name Role
Jon Fosse – Playwright
Maaike Van Rijn – Translation
Lukas De Wolf – Actor (De jonge man)
Jan Decleir – Actor (De oude man)
Tom Dewispelaere – Actor (De schaduw)
Marieke Dilles – Actor (De jonge vrouw)
Els Dottermans – Actor (De oude vrouw)
Sanne Samina Hanssen – Actor (De tweede stem)
Tom Van Dyck – Actor (De eerste stem)
Performance dates
April 8, 2021Radio Toneelhuis Opening night