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Program for I sør har de sjøen (2021) av Kilden Teater. pdf October 26, 2021 Download

In the south they have the sea

In the south they have the sea (2021) is a theatre production by Kilden Teater. The production has premiere at Intimscenen, Kilden -Teater og Konserthus.

Maritea Dæhlin directs it.


(Objekt ID 114427)
Object type Production
Premiere October 26, 2021
Produced by Kilden Theatre
Language Norwegian
Keywords Corona-production, Theatre
Running period October 26, 2021  
Duration 90 minutes
Website Kilden Teater


Import from the Scenekunst.no list of openings 26/08-2021

Kilden Teater, kilden.com, 26.08.2021, https://kilden.com/forestilling/daehlin-haven/

Performance dates
October 26, 2021 19:30 – Intimscenen, Kilden -Teater og Konserthus Opening night