Do not sleep

Do not sleep (2021) is a theatre production by The Norwegian Theatre. Do not sleep  is based on the play by Mari Hesjedal.. The production have premiere at the performed at the Scene 3, The Norwegian Theatre,during the International Fosse-festivalen.

Iram Haq directs it.


(Objekt ID 114182)
Object type Production
Premiere September 5, 2021
Produced by The Norwegian Theatre
In collaboration with Norwegian Centre for New Playwriting (NCNP)
Based on Sov ikkje by Mari Hesjedal
Audience Adults
Number of events 9
Language Norwegian Nynorsk
Keywords Theatre, Drama, Crime, Corona-production
Running period September 5, 2021  
Website Det Norske Teatret


The Norwegian Theatre,, 18.08.2021,

Import from the list of openings 18.08.2021

Contributors (14)
Name Role
Mari Hesjedal – Playwright
Iram Haq – Direction
Siri Løkholm Ramberg – Dramaturge
Milja Salovaara – Stage design
Gaute Tønder – Lighting design
Christian Ruud Kallum – Actor (Person 1)
Silje Lundblad – Actor (Eg (liknar på Ho))
Gard Skagestad – Actor (Person 2)
Kaia Varjord – Actor (Ho (liknar på Eg))
Helen Hazeland – Props
Hedda Rønneberg – Stage manager
Magnus Skrede – Photo
Tryggve Ildahl – Stage Manager
Tommy Olsson (kostyme) – Costume coordinator
Performance dates
September 5, 2021 17:00 – Scene 3 (tidligere Prøvesalen), The Norwegian Theatre Worldwide premiere