La Casa de Bernarda Alba / Bernardas hus

The House of Bernarda Alba (2000)  was a theatre production by The Norwegian National Sami Theatre CompanyBeaivvás in collaboration with Ruoŧa Sámi Teáhter. The House of Bernarda Alba was based on the play by  Federico García Lorca, La Casa de Bernarda Alba

Harriet Nordlund  directed it.


(Objekt ID 113264)
Object type Production
Premiere June 5, 2000
Produced by The National Sami Theatre
Based on The House of Bernarda Alba by Federico García Lorca
Audience Adults
Language Sami
Keywords Drama, Theatre
Running period June 5, 2000  


The National Sami Theatre Beaivváš,, 22.06.2021,

Contributors (4)
Name Role
Federico García Lorca – Playwright
Harriet Nordlund – Direction
Iŋgor Ántte Áilu Gaup – Actor
Mary Sarre – Actor
Performance dates
June 5, 2000 Opening night