Beaivváš badjána »Little Sun» sunrise

Beaivváš badjána »Little Sun» sunrise (2000)  was a theatre production by The Norwegian National Sami Theatre CompanyBeaivvás.

Nils Gaup directed it.


(Objekt ID 113262)
Object type Production
Premiere April 19, 2000
Produced by The National Sami Theatre
Language Sami
Keywords Theatre, Musical theatre
Running period April 19, 2000  


The National Sami Theatre Beaivváš,, 22.06.2021,

Contributors (4)
Name Role
Nils Gaup – Direction
Anne Marie Andersen – Singer
Nils Henrik Buljo – Singer
Anne Kristine Gaup – Singer
Performance dates
April 19, 2000 Opening night