Om sjølvmordets anatomi


(Objekt ID 107465)
Object type Production
Premiere January 15, 2021
Produced by The Norwegian Theatre
Based on Om sjølmordets anatomi by Alice Birch
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian Nynorsk
Keywords Theatre
Running period January 15, 2021  
Website Det Norske Teatret
Contributors (19)
Name Role
Alice Birch – Playwright
Tove Bakke – Translation
Lars-Ole Walburg – Direction
Carl Morten Amundsen – Dramaturge
Robert Schweer – Stage design
Nina Gundlach – Costume design
Torgeir Skjærven – Lighting design
Sarah Francesca Brænne – Actor
Jon Bleiklie Devik – Actor
Frida Eide Løken – Actor
Gina Bernhoft Gørvell – Actor
Gjertrud Jynge – Actor
Judy Nyambura Karanja – Actor
Karl-Vidar Lende – Actor
Joachim Rafaelsen – Actor
Martine Helena Skisaker – Actor
Oddgeir Thune – Actor
Kaia Varjord – Actor
Magnus Skrede – Photo
Performance dates
January 15, 2021 19.30 – Scene 2, Det Norske Teatret, The Norwegian Theatre National premiere, Norway