
Kvakk(1998) by Baktruppen was agricultural theatre about breeding, in particular about the breeding bull Storm Kvakkestad. The opening took place at the home of Worm Winther in Oslo.


(Objekt ID 10354)
Object type Production
Premiere October 2, 1998
Produced by Baktruppen
Audience All
Keywords Performance, Theatre, Multidisciplinary, Site spesific performance, Documentary, Post-dramatic theatre
Running period October 2, 1998  —  June 11, 2000
Website Baktruppen

Requirements to venue

Blackout No
Other Videomonitor, videoprojector, videorecorder.

Kvakk by Baktruppen was produced in 1998. Kvakk was about the prize-winning breeding bull 0838 Storm Kvakkestad, born as Norwegian Red Cattle in Kvakkestad farm outside of Oslo in 1962.

He was selected as bull of the year in 1967, but eventually it became clear that he had a genetic flaw and he is now forgotten. Still, it’s reasonable to think that most living Norwegians have eaten or drunk products which can be traced back to Storm Kvakkestad.

Kvakk discusses what an audience can be, as it was performed for cows in the field.

Kvakk was also performed for the cows at the farm Tynes Nedre in Levanger, Norway.

Kvakk was supported by the municipality of Bergen, MFA, Chapter Arts Centre and Arts Council Norway.


Baktruppen, 03.01.2011, http://www.baktruppen.org/

Knut Ove Arntzen and Camilla Eeg-Tverbakk, ed. (2009). Performance art by Baktruppen. First part. Oslo: the publishing house Kontur forlag

Contributors (9)
Name Role
Erik Balke – Co-creator
Øyvind Berg – Co-creator
Trine Falch – Co-creator
Harald Fetveit – Co-creator
Ingvild Holm – Co-creator
Jørgen Knudsen – Co-creator
Gurå Mathiesen – Co-creator
Bo Krister Wallström – Co-creator
Worm Winther – Co-creator
Performance dates
June 11, 2000Tynes Nedre Show
September 19, 1999BIT Teatergarasjen Show
September 18, 1999BIT Teatergarasjen Show
September 17, 1999BIT Teatergarasjen Show
May 6, 1999Theatre Corner Show
May 3, 1999 Show
February 27, 1999Samtidskunstforum Art Gallery Show
February 17, 1999Samtidskunstforum Art Gallery Show
February 16, 1999Samtidskunstforum Art Gallery Show
Navember 14, 1998Chapter Theatre, Chapter Arts Centre Show
October 2, 1998Worm Winthers hjem Worldwide premiere
Festivals (2)
Press coverage

Audun Lindholm, Review titled Relativt oppdatert landbruksteater (literally: Relatively up-to-date agricultural theatre), date unknown, Gasspedalen:
"They crawl, hop on one foot and jumps around the meadow. The voices sound in singsong with banal rhymes. They dance to reggae and eventually make obscene approaches towards the cows, egged by hot rhythms. Erik Balke achieves unusually close contact by playing evocative jazz on a piece of horseradish cut out like a wind instrument. Perhaps the sound isn’t the reason, the distinct smell tempts the cow into sticking her nose as close to the root as she can get, and follows the movements of Balke the way a snake follows a snake charmer."