
Petra (1988) was a production by Baktruppen.Petrawas a cabaret from Norwegian topography: An informal mix of recitation and songs, plus new music. The production consisted of a total of 33 acts, among them text excerpts from Før vi gifter oss (1957, literally: Before we get married), the song book Petra (1949) and poems by Øyvind Berg.


(Objekt ID 10297)
Object type Production
Premiere September 12, 1988
Produced by Baktruppen
Based on Petra by
Audience Adults
Number of events 3
Keywords Performance, Cabaret, Music, Theatre
Running period September 12, 1988  —  December 22, 1988
Duration 40 minutes
Website Baktruppen

Requirements to venue

Blackout No


Baktruppen, 31.12.2010,

Knut Ove Arntzen and Camilla Eeg-Tverbakk, ed. (2009). Performance art by Baktruppen. First part. Oslo: published by the publishing house Kontur forlag

Contributors (10)
Name Role
Hans Petter Melø Dahl – Music
Jørgen Knudsen – Music
Øyvind Berg – Co-creator
Hans Petter Melø Dahl – Co-creator
Monica Haugan – Co-creator
Ingvild Holm – Co-creator
Jørgen Knudsen – Co-creator
Gurå Mathiesen Bjørre – Co-creator
Tom Rasmussen – Co-creator
Tone Avenstroup – Performer
Performance dates
Festivals (1)