Spor i snø* (Traces in Snow)

The subject for Samovarteateret’s production Spor i snø* (Traces in Snow) was borders and what happens in the meeting with new cultures, ways of living and rules. The production was made as a journey in which the audience passed concrete and imaginary borders underway. Every location had its story. The texts were presented in English, Norwegian and Russian.

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Source: Samovarteateret, 29.12.2010,  http://www.samovar.no/


(Objekt ID 10157)
Object type Production
Premiere February 3, 2005
Produced by The Samovar Theatre
Audience All
Audience size 500
Number of events 4
Language Norwegian, Russian and English
Keywords Wandering Theatre, Theatre, Music, Dance
Running period February 3, 2005  —  February 5, 2005
Website Samovarteateret

Requirements to venue

Blackout Yes

The wandering theatre performance Spor i snø* (Traces in Snow) by Samovarteateret AKA The Samovar Theatre AKA Samovar opened February 3 2005 and was performed thrice during the festival Barents Spektakel 2005. Spor i snø took place outdoors and was made with performers from several different nations. Ethnic singers from Karelen, a baritone singer from Murmansk, modern dancers from St. Petersburg and Arkhangelsk plus actors and singers from Norway participated.

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Contributors (8)
Name Role
Bente S. Andersen – Script
Bente S. Andersen – Idea
Bente S. Andersen – Direction
Magnus Holm Slettebø – Actor
Vegard Kristiansen – Actor
Alina Mikhailova – Dancer
Nikolay Shchetnev – Dancer
Sigurd Rafaelsen – Other (Produksjonsassistent)
Performance dates
February 5, 2005  (Barents Spektakel) Show
February 4, 2005  (Barents Spektakel) Show
February 3, 2005  (Barents Spektakel) Worldwide premiere
Festivals (1)
Barents Spektakel February 3, 2005