Vestland Lockdown

Vestland Lockdown (2020) was a series of event productions by The National Stage. Vestland Lockdown consisted of six different events, each based on different texts. The events took place in the venue Teaterkjellereren.

June 4, excerpts from the novel Baby Jane by Sofi Oksanen were performed. The event was followed by a conversation about sexuality and identity.

June 5, the play Cock by Mike Bartlett was presented.

June 8 and 9, the one-act play Jo mere vi er sammen* (The more we are together) by Monica Isakstuen presented. This one-act play was written especially for Vestland Lockdown.

June 11 and 12, the theatre text Gap by Demian Vitanza was presented.

June 16, The Apology of Socrates by Plato was presented.

June 17 and 18, excerpts from The Plague by Albert Camus were presented.

There was limited audience capacity at all of the events, due to protection measures against the Corona virus, and several of the events were also made available as podcasts.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 101526)
Object type Production
Premiere June 8, 2020
Produced by The National Stage
Based on Baby Jane by Sofi Oksanen; Cock by Mike Bartlett; Jo mere vi er sammen* (The more we are together) by Monica Isakstuen; Gap by Demian Vitanza; The Apology of Socrates by Platon ; The Plague by Albert Camus
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Corona-production, Theatre, Debate
Running period June 4, 2020  


The National Stage,, 15.06.2020,