Logen Teater AS

For practical and organisational reasons Logen Theatre is organised as a limited liability company (AS), but it is managed after non-profit rules. All potential surpluses go directly back to the management of the organisation, hence benefitting the users.

Source: Logen Teater, logen-teater.no, 03.10.2010, http://www.logen-teater.no/index.php?/innhold/om_logen


(Objekt ID 6774)
Object type Organization
Also known as Logen Theatre
Organization type Culturehouse
Main focus Theatre, Music
Established January 17, 2000 (closed October 24, 2018)
Website Logen Teater

Contact information

Address Øvre Bulls Plass 6, 5012 Bergen, Norway
Telefon 55 23 20 15

Other information

Legal entity Limited liability company/AS or ASA
Org nr. 981 486 749

Logen Teater AS/Logen Theatre has run cultural enterprise in the venue named Logen in Bergen since January 1 2000. The philosophy of Logen Teater is being available for performers whose resources are limited. The aim of the enterprise has always been to create the cultural centre Bergen and the surrounding areas need – a cultural centre in the most right of terms, in which the independent and voluntary cultural community can express itself sided with more commercial and professional performers.

Own productions (4)
Title Premiere
Tungetango - Per Arne Glorvigen – June 6, 2008
Rom og Vodka – 2002
Midt i Larmen – 2001
Seasons in the sun – 2001
Performance dates
Contributors (1)
Godthard Larsen – Manager