Centre for Ibsen Studies

Centre for Ibsen Studies is a national and international centre of knowledge, working with scientific research, documentation and education related to Henrik Ibsen

Centre for Ibsen Studies is part of Faculty of Humanities at The University of Oslo.


(Objekt ID 17395)
Object type Organization
Organization type Knowledge centre
Main focus Litterature, Education
Email Ragnhild.Schea@ibsen.uio.no
Website Universitetet i Oslo, senter for Ibsen-studier

Contact information

Address Besøksadresse: Henrik Wergelands hus (2. etasje), Niels Henrik Abels vei 36, Oslo, Norway
Email Ragnhild.Schea@ibsen.uio.no
Telefon +47 22 85 86 80

Other information

Legal entity Other
Own productions (1)
Title Premiere
Ibsen Theatre Symposium