Program fra Teater Jokers produksjon Baron Von Munchhausens Sannheter! (2009)
(Objekt ID 91116)Object type | Multimedia |
Published | 2009 |
Digitalized | May 31, 2018 |
Accession date | February 14, 2019 |
Category | Text / Programme |
Themes | Program, Children, Theatre |
Language | Norwegian |
Affiliations (2)
- Teater Joker - Producer, Publisher, Creator
- The National Library of Norway - Manager
Shown on (3)
- Teater Joker (organization)
- The National Library of Norway (organization)
- BARON VON MUNCHHAUSENS elleville kanonkuleferd, sanseløse bønnestengelmåneklatring og andre halsbrekkende SANNHETER!* (Baron von Munchhausen's madcap cannon ball journey, senseless beanstalk moon climbing and other breakneck truths!) (production)