Poster for The Arctic Theatre's production Bæ, bæ lille* (Bah, bah little) (2016)


(Objekt ID 74194)
Object type Multimedia
Digitalized Navember 11, 2016
Exposure date April 18, 2017
Accession date June 28, 2017
Category Still picture / Poster

© The Arctic Theatre

Colours Colour
Background material Paper
Themes Theatre, Poster
Image taken April 18, 2017
File size 2033 KB
Height 1920 px
Width 996 px

Poster for The Arctic Theatre's production Bæ, bæ lille* (Bah, bah little) (2016).

The poster was digitised by The National Library of Norway.


The National Library of Norway, transferred to Sceneweb 18.04.2017.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Affiliations (2)