Program for The Norwegian Theatre's production 'The Bible' (2013)
(Objekt ID 47703)Object type | Multimedia |
Published | February 1, 2013 |
Digitalized | 2014 |
Category | Text / Programme |
License | © The Norwegian Theatre |
Colours | Colour |
Page count | 44 pages |
Background material | Paper |
Illustration | Illustrated |
Themes | Program, Theatre |
Language | Norwegian Nynorsk |
Location | The Norwegian Theatre, Oslo, Norway |
Performance program for the The Norwegian Theatre's production The Bible (2013).
The program is digitised by The National Library of Norway.
The National Library of Norway, transferred to Sceneweb 04.12.2014
Affiliations (2)
- The National Library of Norway - Manager
- The Norwegian Theatre - Creator, Publisher, Producer
Shown on (52)
- The National Library of Norway (organization)
- The Norwegian Theatre (organization)
- The Bible (artwork)
- Farisearane på hospitalet* (The Pharisees in the hospital) (artwork)
- Herodes og farisearane planlegg å drepa Jesus* (Herod and the Pharisees plan to kill Jesus) (artwork)
- Innmarsjen til Jerusalem* (The March on Jerusalem) (artwork)
- Judas ber Maria Magdalena om hjelp* (Judas asks Mary Magdalene for help) (artwork)
- I Getsemane* (In Gethsemane) (artwork)
- Pontius Pilatus* (Pontius Pilate) (artwork)
- Jesus hjå Herodes* (Jesus at Herod's) (artwork)
- Barabbas (artwork)
- Vinter i Getsemane: Møte med far* (Winter in Gethsemane: Meeting with father) (artwork)
- Gud ropar på Moses* (God calls for Moses) (artwork)
- Himmelen og Edens Hage* (Heaven and The Garden of Eden) (artwork)
- Gud, Lucifer og Job* (God, Lucifer and Job) (artwork)
- Kain og Abel* (Cain and Abel) (artwork)
- Noahs ark* (Noah's Ark) (artwork)
- Noahs monolog* (Noah's monologue) (artwork)
- Abraham blir beden om å ofra sonen Isak* (Abraham is asked to sacrifice his son Isaac) (artwork)
- Sara og Gud* (Sarah and God) (artwork)
- Isak får leva likevel* (Isaac is allowed to live after all) (artwork)
- Flyktningar i ørkenen (artwork)
- Laban fortel* (Laban narrates) (artwork)
- Familien Noah går i land i Israel* (The Noah family disembarks in Israel) (artwork)
- Gud og Lucifer* (God and Lucifer) (artwork)
- Moses leier folket* (Moses leads the people) (artwork)
- Abraham og Isak i ørkenen* (Abraham and Isaac in the desert) (artwork)
- Gullkalven* (The Golden Calf) (artwork)
- Moses og israelittane* (Moses and the Israelis) (artwork)
- Bestemor og jente i Jeriko* (Grandmother and girl in Jericho) (artwork)
- Hoffet til Saul* (The court of Saul) (artwork)
- Batseba fortel* (Bathsheba narrates) (artwork)
- Gud har ein ny plan* (God has a new plan) (artwork)
- Herodes og Kaifas* (Herod and Caiaphas) (artwork)
- Josef og Jesus* (Joseph and Jesus) (artwork)
- Jesus og Judas* (Jesus and Judas) (artwork)
- Jesus og Maria* (Jesus and Mary) (artwork)
- Maria og rabbien* (Mary and the rabbi) (artwork)
- Jesus og arbeidsengelen* (Jesus and the angel of work) (artwork)
- Gjetaren freistar Jesus* (The shepherd tempts Jesus) (artwork)
- Judas blir læresvein* (Judas becomes an apostle) (artwork)
- Jomfru Maria og engelen* (Virgin Mary and the Angel) (artwork)
- Bryllaupet i Kana* (The wedding at Cana) (artwork)
- Jesus møter farisearane* (Jesus meets the Pharisees) (artwork)
- Kvinna som ikkje vart steina* (The woman who was not stoned) (artwork)
- Hospitalet: Maria Magdalena blir læresvein* (The hospital: Mary Magdalene becomes an apostle) (artwork)
- Johannes Døyparen* (John the Baptist) (artwork)
- Jesus blir freista i ørkenen* (Jesus is tempted in the desert) (artwork)
- Jesus, Gud og Satan* (Jesus, God and Satan) (artwork)
- Johannes Døyparen kjem i fengsel* (John the Baptist is imprisoned) (artwork)
- Læresveinane ved leirbålet* (The apostles by the campfire) (artwork)
- The Bible (production)