Photo of the stage design for Peer Gynt, The National Theatre, 1975


(Objekt ID 39863)
Object type Multimedia
Published May 28, 2014
Digitalized 2012
Exposure date March 12, 1975
Category Still picture / Photography
Colours Colour
Background material Diapositive
Themes Theatre, Photography, Stage design
Location The Main Stage, The National Theatre, Oslo, Norway
Image taken March 12, 1975
File size 42 KB
Height 715 px
Width 1000 px

Photo from the production Peer Gynt, The National Theatre in 1975.

In the photo: Stagehands working with the sails in the stage design of Lubos Hruza.

Stage designer: Lubos Hruza


Margareta Hruza

Affiliations (2)